KINDRED, N.D. — National Grain Safety Week is bringing attention to the dangers of grain storage and handling, which injure or kill dozens of workers each year.
The Kindred Fire Department has partnered with the North Dakota State University Extension to help raise awareness about the risks associated with grain bins. While grain bin accidents are not common, firefighters stress the importance of preparation and safety.
“So what’s the best way to do that? Don’t go inside,” the department advises.
However, they acknowledge that avoiding entry can sometimes be difficult. In those cases, they recommend using proper safety equipment.
“It’s a matter of just trying to be safe on that side of it, and making sure that, you know, you have somebody there with you, safety equipment, you know, put on a harness, tie off, you know, that way, at least it’s a safety net on the prevention side of it,” said Kindred Fire Chief Rich Schock.
Schock also advises that if someone must enter a grain bin, they should ensure that grain is not flowing, as movement can quickly lead to entrapment.